‘But I am done with deceit. Lies no longer hold any allure for me. Now I seek true words that will, somehow, begin to heal that which has broken.’ – Desiree – Anne Martin (@believe_deeply).
‘We Don’t Talk About It. Ever’ is Desiree-Anne Martin’s powerful, harrowing, and poignant portrayal of her journey from an addict to an author. Heart-breaking in some parts but also so inspiring, she takes us through this journey in an intimate and honest revelation of the road to destruction and the journey to redemption.
In a powerful but quiet way, Desiree-Anne shows just how the wounds of childhood translate into adult traumas.
But in a wonderful homage to the power of healing, Desiree-Anne’s journey is also one of hope.
She sat with The Cheeky Natives to discuss her book ‘We don’t talk about it. Ever’
And what it means to journey through the most hopeless of situations from substance abuse to toxic relationships. Desiree-Anne’s book is a triumphant journey.