Q: Who is your favourite author of all time?
A: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Q: What is your favourite book of all time?
A: 100 Years of Solitude
Q: Which book did you most enjoy in 2021?
A: The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper
Q: Who is an author everyone should read?
A: Octavia Butler
Q: What is on your TBR for 2022?
A: On Rotation by Shirlene Obuobi
You Made A Fool of Death With Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi.
The Final Strife by Saraa El-Arifi
Miss Chloe: A Memoir of a Literary Friendship with Toni Morrison by A J Verdelle
Q: You’re having a literary dinner party. Who are your 5 guests and why?
A: If I can have people from any time period; Wole Soyinka, Neil Gaiman, Jane Austen, Helen Oyeyemi and Amos Tutuola. It would certainly make for very lively discussions about writing and craft and life!